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onsdag 2 februari 2011

The Exorcist Failure

So I've spent the last week and a half being possessed by some sort of demon that messes up my stomach every now and then. To be honest I thought I could out-smart it by just pretending it wasn't there and go on with my life. I'm sad to say that I was WRONG. When I woke up Saturday morning it hurt so much I almost thought that I would die. That's when I decided to change my diet to boiled vegetables, toast and porridge.

My diet helped to some point, but since we happen to have an exorcist, Policlínico Espíritu Santo, just across the street I decided to give them a try. It turned out to be much ado about nothing. I went there Monday, utterly confused, and was shown to the fourth floor and was shown to a cashier where I paid to see the exorcist. Then I was sent to another room where I had to give my information, get my blood pressure taken and was quizzed on diseases in my family. Once finished I was sent to a waiting room. After about 30 minutes I got to see the exorcist. He squeezed my stomach trying to localize the demon and prescribed me to take samples.

Apparently I had to head back down to the bottom floor to pay to get the samples taken at one cashier, where the lady was very upset because she wanted to close the cashier down and go home. I managed to persuade her to take my money and was sent to another line to get a small plastic cup where I was supposed to put my sample (don't ask).

Yesterday morning I returned to hand in my sample. I was told to wait in reasonably long line and after a while a lady appeared and collected my sample and told me to wait in another line to get my receipt back. After about five minutes I got my receipt back and could happily head off to work. In the evening when I came back to get the results I first had to wait in one line to get my results and once I got them I had to head back up to the fourth floor to have the exorcist explain them to me. I caught him just as he had grabbed his coat and was heading home. He told me that the test was negative, so I guess I just have to continue eating my boiled food for yet some time.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Maybe eating some meat (chicken!?) would settle the stomach haha.

    Also, it's kind of difficult to post this in Swedish...

  2. Well, on the plus side, it's not actually a demon? I didn't know exorcists did lab work now.

    It might be a symptom of altitude sickness... how are you faring with the altitude otherwise? Although I'd expect symptoms to have subsided by now.

  3. @ Sean: Hmm, chicken sound like a really baaaad idea. =)
    @ Brian: It was not a parasite. At least not one they could find. So I'm trying the natural cure of mint herbs and coca-leaf tea. Altitude sickness is getting better. In the beginning I was breathless from walking straight rapidly, but it is better now. I am planning to go to a spinning session tonight so I'll see if I die or not. =) Might go to Puno in the weekend which is at 3800 m. Could be interesting.
