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onsdag 16 februari 2011

Just a brief update

We never made it to the beach last weekend as we had planned because one of our friends who was supposed to come with us got urgently stomach sick. She is fine now though and we are planning to make a new attempt this weekend. My stomach is behaving better now and I can enjoy fresh fruit again although I try to not overdo it.

The past two days Ida and I have visited Majes, which is an irrigated desert community, about two hours by bus from here. On Monday we visited a group that is learning about domestic and sexual violence in order to educate others and support victims. There will be an article (in Swedish) about this group on Svalorna Latinamerika’s web page towards the end of this month. Yesterday there was a meeting between different organizations and authorities to discuss activities against domestic violence.

I have also published a blog entry on Svalorna Latinamerika’s blog (also in Swedish, but I’d recommend for example Google Translate for those of you who don’t know Swedish). I am also planning a proper update of this blog when I have the time to edit pictures and write something more intelligible.

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